Be Involved (on/off campus, at night/daytime)

We want to welcome all GES parents to partner with GES in many different ways.  

"When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more." 

This is our goal for the 2015-2016 school year - To partner with each and every GES parent to make this year a success for our students.   

There are many ways to support GES on campus, off campus, while you are working, or running errands. You DO NOT have to be on campus, on a committee or at events to support GES and our students. 

What can I do to help from home?
  • Cut out items for teachers 
  • Count and sort Box Tops or Labels for Education  
  • Make phone calls
  • Write grants
  • Contact businesses
  • Send in items for events, or for teachers
  • Share ideas
  • Create decorations for events
  • Find sponsors for events or businesses to partner with GES
What can I do to help at night?
  • Volunteer: Skate Night or Spirit Nights (1x/month)
  • Volunteer: Family night or social event 
  • Take pictures of events
  • Be on an event planning committee for social, book fair, fundraiser, etc
  • Help with event and school decorations
  • ..see list of help from home....
What can I do during the school day? 
  • Help in your child's classroom
  • Make Copies (1 day/month)
  • Volunteer in the library
  • Be a Reading Buddy
  • Be on an event planning committee for social, fundraiser or other events 
  • Help with event and school decorations 
  • Help with class parties or reward celebrations
  • Proctor for standardized testing
  • Volunteer at school events 
There are many more ways to be part of the GES community. We want your input, your ideas, and so much more. 
Please contact us at or call us at 336-638-1782.  
You can also find us on facebook, twitter, google plus, pinterest and linked in.  

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